
Commercial Trials

This is how we became involved in the gardening industry over 30 years ago, devising and running commercial trials for The Consumers Association, plant food manufacturers and growers. Its something we still love doing and we pride ourselves in ensuring that they have real commercial relevance

We specialise in commercial trials that …..

  • Listen to you and your brief very carefully before the experimental design process even starts
  • Are designed to give you commercially appropriate results and information
  • Are robustly designed so that they can withstand scientific scrutiny
  • Will provide you with a running commentary so that you can take necessary action part way through the trials process
  • Are very cost effective in getting the results that you want
  • Provide a final report that concentrates the commercially useful information in an upfront summary page with methodology, results, tables, appendices and statistical analysis in full but to the rear of the report
  • Captures the results photographically in ways that can be used for marketing and promotional purposes

Your product , robustly tested against the market …. with results even your FD will understand!